
Meet Lexie Ackerman!

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Doggy Daycare and Spa

  • Lexie Lou Ackerman is a 1-year old Blue Merle Aussie that has a ton of energy and loves to play with her friends! Lexie got her name from a street sign that said “Lexington” and her owners decided that they liked that name. The “Lou” just kind of naturally followed.
  • The Ackerman’s knew they wanted a dog for the longest time, but it wasn’t until they bought a house that they really started searching. They wanted an adventurous and smart dog, and all of their searches pointed them back to an Australian Shepherd. The Ackerman’s found Lexie in a litter located in Hale, MI and brought her home May 27, 2016.
  • Lexie’s favorite past time is keeping her backyard safe from the “terrifying” squirrels and chipmunks. When she is not keeping her owner’s safe from the critters, she’s playing in her pool or playing soccer around the yard.
  • Lexie’s favorite toy is her green tug. She enjoys trying to get anybody to chase her with the tug in her mouth- when you finally catch her, she’ll give the tug, it will be thrown, and she runs back to start the game over again!
  • Lexie is a very talented Aussie! She is good at the traditional tricks, such as, sit, stay, speak, come, and roll over, but she can also do some unusual tricks such as, twirl, whisper, crawl, jump rope, giving high fives and handshakes, catching the Frisbee, and even shutting the dryer door.
  • Lexie loves hanging out with her puppy cousins. Lexie has 3 cousins- Saiya (German Shepherd/Keeshond mix), Kasey (Pitbull mix), and Penny (Golden Retriever).
  • The Ackerman’s haven’t taken Lexie anywhere too exotic but she has been hiking on Sugarloaf Mountain in Marquette, MI and she sure loves visiting Lake Michigan!
  • Something funny about Lexie is that she enjoys laying on air vents. When she was a puppy, one day she got her collar tag stuck in the air vent. When she got up, she took the air vent with her! She ran around the house with a vent cover as big as her following close by.
  • A unique fact about Lexie is that she likes to hold hands. It’s adorable! If you are petting her, she will often put her paw on your arm in hopes that you will hold her hand or rub her arm. She also has always had a strange love for the garden hose. Whenever her owners turn the hose on, Lexie gets really excited to jump up and try to catch the water.
  • This fall, Lexie is surly most excited about the leaves! She enjoys barking at the rake while her owners gather the leaves, and then jumping up to catch the leaves that are thrown in the air.