
Meet Walker Coscarella!

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Doggy Daycare and Spa

  • Walker Coscarella is a 2-year-old Goldendoodle who has been coming to Doggy Daycare and Spa since the summer of 2016. The Coscarella’s are a baseball-loving family, so they pondered a lot of names that were connected to baseball and the Tigers. Friends of the family already used their favorite, Fielder, and they considered Striker and Miggy, but decided to go with Walker.
  • Walker was a full of energy puppy so daycare was a must! With the whole family gone to school or work, they needed a way to care for him during the day. The Coscarella’s love DDS because
  • Walker can socialize with other dogs and people and get some much-needed exercise and play in the day.
  • Walker’s human brother, Justin, had been begging for a dog for years, but the allergy-sufferers in their family didn’t think a dog was possible. When they heard about other families that had good success with Goldendoodles, they decided to take the plunge. They adopted Walker from a terrific breeder near Port Huron in August 2015.
  • Going for walks, playing chase around the couch, and playing hide-and-seek with his stuffed bunny are a few of Walker’s favorite things to do. While he loves going to the dog park at Hawk Island, the Coscarella Family doesn’t love it when he goes in the pond, then runs right over to the brown sand and lays in it.
  • Walker’s favorite toy is his pink rubber bone that squeaks. If he wants to play, he will pick it up and drop it just out of reach so his family is forced to try to grab it, then he takes off around the couch, hoping someone will chase him.
  • Walker can give high fives, ring a dog bell to go outside, push a dog doorbell to come inside, and wait with a treat on his nose until given the command to eat it. He took an agility class, and likes to climb up stairs and go through tunnels at playgrounds.
  • Riley is a gentle Lab that lives with Walker’s Grandparents. They love to play rough together, wrestling and pretending to bite each other’s ears.
  • It’s not exotic, but Walker loves going to tennis courts. Justin in his family plays high school tennis, so Walker has spent the last two seasons joining his family to watch the matches. He loves the attention he gets from the high school kids and other families.
  • When Walker first came to live with his new family, they had trouble finding someone who could let him out and play with him while they were at work. Their neighbor had experienced health problems, and was out of work using a walker to get around, and was finding his physical therapy unmotivating. The Coscarella’s suggested that he earn some extra money by taking care of Walker during the day. Visiting Walker became their neighbor’s motivation to move more, and gave him some purpose to being active each day. After only six weeks, their neighbor went from using a walker to walking unassisted. To this day, he credits Walker’s love and devotion for giving him the courage to push himself to heal both physically and mentally.
  • Walker loves people, and the holidays give him the chance to see family members and their dogs. He enjoys playing with a Lab and two Westies in their family. At Christmas, the dogs (and one cat) in their extended families exchange pet toys, so they each go home with some new things to play with. Walker also loves having his family home for two weeks over the Christmas break.